What to wear: You may wear something SEXY or workout attire (shorts, bra top, tank top, etc). Please bring a yoga mat for the warm-up and knee pads to help protect your knees from some of our floor-work routines. You may purchase the knee pads from us for $20, if in stock or any sporting good store. Stiletto heels aren't mandatory, but recommended to help bring out your sexy.
Waitlist: This is only good for clients that live close to the studio. DO NOT add your name to the waitlist if you live more than 30 minutes away. If there’s an open spot in any class for which you are waitlisted, the online system is designed to automatically add you into that class up to 60 minutes from that class’s start time without sending you any notifications. It's your responsibility to check your schedule by logging into your profile one hour before the start time. You may cancel yourself off the waitlist at any time before the system adds you by logging into your account and manually removing your name OR by sending us an email to SecretPoleDanceStudio@yahoo.com. Please do NOT use the waitlist if you aren't prepared to take the class on short notice. If you do not show up to class after you have been added from the waitlist then the class credit will be forfeited and a $20 No Show Fee will apply, no exceptions. Please do NOT contact us to explain your reasoning as to why you didn't attend the class. We will be enforcing all Studio Policies, no exceptions.
4-Hour Cancellation Policy: You’re responsible for canceling your spot in class OR your waitlist position if you’re unable to attend. You may do so by logging into your account and manually canceling that class or by sending an email to SecretPoleDanceStudio@yahoo.com. After you have canceled your class, it is your responsibility to confirm your name has been withdrawn from that class by checking your schedule once more. The system may or may not send you a cancellation email. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to make sure your class has been canceled on time to avoid the forfeiture of your class credit and a $20 No Show Fee.
Running Late: We do NOT have a grace period. You will not be able to join the class if you arrive late, no exceptions. At that point, you will be considered a no show which means your class credit has been forfeited and a $20 No Show Fee will apply, no exceptions. To ensure you'll be on time, please arrive 10 minutes before the class start time.
Full Classes: Yes, our studio is very popular which means the first week or two may be full. We advised you to immediately start reserving your classes as soon as make a purchase. Whatever isn't used within by the expiration date will be forfeited, no exceptions.
Personal area: You must completely clean your area when done with Lysol or alcohol spray. Supplies to clean your area will be given before and after class.
Check-in: Please plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to your class start time to sign the required Waiver of Liability form and Participation Agreement.
Sick: If you're displaying illness symptoms such as consistent coughing, sneezing etc., the instructor will ask you to politely leave. The safety of the instructor as well as the entire class is very important.
Face Masks: Are NOT required when taking classes at our studio. You may choose to wear one, if preferred.
Please self-screen before leaving your home. Stay home if you:
have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 or COVID symptoms in the last 10 days
are currently under isolation or quarantine orders
have a temperature of 100.4° or higher, or
have had any of the following symptoms in the past 10 days: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea.
Class extension for positive test ONLY: We do offer a 3-day extension from the date of your positive Covid test, if you have contracted the virus. You would need to send us an email with your positive Covid test attached that includes your name, date, and results. Home tests are excluded. Please note, we only extend off the official date listed on your results.